SINCE- 2012
ITRT is the fruit of the vision of Abins Varghese. He had his preliminary theological education in Delhi, Bachelor of Theology (B.Th) from Delhi Theological College. After B.Th he pursued his Bachelor of Divinity (B.D), from Immanuel Baptist Theological Seminary Sharpsburg, Georgia (Extension in New Delhi, India). God helped him to do his Master of Theology in Mission (M.Th) from ACTS Academy Higher Education at Bangalore. After a long 9 years of seminary life, with a great burden, he came out for work. He saw many theological students complete training with much confidence and others and revert with equal frustration and ambiguity. He felt that after graduation, students become nervous and bewildered to take steps in ministry activities. Their training did not enable them to locate their place in the ministry. Subsequently, they just get into any place or position for which they are not called or fit for. So remembering the prayers of his parents and their dedication toward ministry, he was motivated to establish ITRT in 2012 with the aim is to inspire one another for the work in a multi-cultural, religiously pluralistic, and socially diverse environment with new age communication tools and technology.
We are living in a critical time where many theological colleges are not doing what they should be doing, and theological education has become expensive. Most of the theological colleges and seminaries have become business hubs for private investors. They are simply promising us to provide big infrastructures and high tech modern tech along with high-quality education materials and human resources, but in reality, most of the time, there will be less than 50% of what they offered. Due to this, the number of theologians in our country is decreasing. Another main reason is that we are ashamed or embarrassed to admit that we are theologians to the secular world. Because these people do not know what it means to be a theologian, they think we become theologians because we are not qualified to get any other secular jobs or we are simply wasting our time being lazy. In reality, they need to understand that theological studies are not as easy as they compare to our secular education institutes. Theologians have to complete around 50 to 60 subjects in 3 years to complete a bachelor's degree where the subjects include both secular and biblical, and all subjects are new to them.
​Our Theological Studies program at ITRT, where quality education meets affordability. In today's challenging times, it’s essential to stand together with like-minded individuals who share our passion for making difference. While changing your destination may take time, you can start shifting your direction today. If you feel called to join us, we invite you to be part of this transformative journey and soar to new heights together.
- Abins Varghese