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Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)


       Bachelor of Theology program is offered through residential programme /distance. It is a three years degree course offered to those who are involved in secular responsibilities.  the degree  provide  a firm  basis biblical teachings and prepare the further studies.



 Master of Divinity (M. Div.)


The Master of Divinity is a two year distance program offered to develop Christian leadership for Church-at-large with vision and skills to develop Christian thinking, mobilize the Church in ministry, and fulfill the responsibility of making disciples of all people within the context of our nation.


External program (distance program)


Eligibility : B.A ,B.Th 


Master of Theology (Th.M)


          Every pastor/christian ministers  is already a theologian, but the Master of Theology (Th.M.) program enables pastors / christian leaders to develop specialized theological training in Mission and Christian Ministry (counseling).

          Qualified men and women from all over the world can capture the riches of the Th.M. program while staying rooted in their local churches.


Courses for Master of Theology is for two years with three disciplines that is Christian Ministry,Mission and biblical counselling  which will be offered in a modular format run  a term of 4 semesters.


           Course Instruction will also be accomplished through pre-course and post-course assignments and video conferencing from home.  (If the student have internet access )

The curriculum provides a flexible program, extending two to four years at the post-Master of Divinity graduate level.


Eligibility : M.Div, B.D  

The Doctor of Ministry Program (D.Min)


              As a shepherd of God’s flock, christian counseling is the supreme manifestation of love for the church. The Doctor of Ministry is a modular program designed to refine the faithful  men and woman  for an effective ministry in church,providing an academic setting that enables him to remain in his present ministry and server the lord faithfully.


Eligibility : M.Div or B.D  Applicants also must have completed a minimum of Five years of full-time professional ministry or its equivalent.

Institute of Theological Research     and Training
New DElhi

Accredited by NATA (Nations Association for Theological Accreditation)

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