Why Theological Studies is so Expensive
Theological studies so Expensive ?
Seminary has taught me to think deeply about my theology, culture, church tradition, politics, etc. I understand many things in a whole new way after seminary, much of that is more deeply rooted than before.
As we are living in a critical time many theological college are not doing what they should do, , and the theological education become so expensive, it's a challenge to stand firm , its so hard to stand alone and go with the passion , it's so easy to go with the crowd.. i understand that if we want to make difference , stand alone with right group of people and make difference. , you cannot change your destination by overnight but you can change your direction by overnight .
Beyond learning how to think about the Bible, we’ve lost the ability to critically consider almost anything in culture. We have forgotten to teach people how to think. In our education system, we teach to test answers and broad spectrum evaluations that our systems use. We fill students up with information but we don’t ever explain to them how to think about that information. We’re breeding a culture of this and our churches are probably even worse given that many denominations are so deeply entrenched in maintaining a rigid system of specific doctrinal minutiae.
If we really value our “spiritual lives” (which is our whole life), then we’ll stop making up excuses and pretending that we can have this thing called life figured out on our own, without mentoring and education. This is serious stuff and we need to start acting like it. If we value it, we’ll put our money into it and we’ll support those who are called to it if we aren’t called ourselves.
Seminary is worth it and it is necessary for the future of the church. It teaches us how to think about the Bible and the theology that we live out in our everyday lives. It might be expensive and not all denominations may require it for ordination, but that doesn’t negate its importance. Not everyone needs to know how to fix the engine of a car, but someone needs to know how it runs. For those of us called to be that person theologically, pastorally, or otherwise, seminary education is essential.
so the purpose behind ITRT is to preserve the sanctity of theological education. If the Lord directs you to, don’t hesitate to come and join with us.
I warmly welcome you to feel the difference and we inspire you to fly high.
https://www.itrtedu.com/abins-varghese /https://www.itrtedu.com/ Abins Varghese