In order to exercise effective leadership you need to be relaxed and at ease otherwise the pressures of leadership will build up and may become unbearable.
Some leaders try to pattern themselves on other "successful" leaders, and they place on themselves an intolerable burden. Trying to pattern yourself on someone else is like David trying to wear Saul's armour. He quickly realised that it was too big and cumbersome for him. If he were to fulfil God's purpose for him, he would have to be himself, and use what God had given to him personally.
Here are some factors which will powerfully stimulate and release energy for accomplishment :-
A great idea, whose time has come.
Nothing could be more exciting or stimulating than to realise that you have received a concept, a wonderful idea whose time for fulfilment has come. A project which is timely and appropriate, with a prophetic promise for the future. A program which is welcomed and confirmed by many as appropriate and fitting to God's timing and purpose.
2. An Exciting New Prospect.
The routine of life can become mundane and lack lustre. A new concept will breathe fresh life and excitement into everything. God is frequently wanting to birth a new thing among us but we have to be willing to release the old in order to embrace the new. "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old, for behold I will do a new thing among you. Even now it will spring forth." (Isa. 43:19)
Too often we are afraid of change and the challenge it brings and consequently we remain tied to the obsolete when God wants us to experience a new and more effective thing.
3. Positive prospects - an exciting anticipation of the future.
Positive vibrations are always stimulating. They inject new excitement and enthusiasm into our whole being. When we are involved in something which has positive prospects for the future our total view of life is enhanced.
4. Faith - Positive anticipation and conviction.
The life of faith is the native environment of the believer. We always function at our best when we are living by faith. Every true project of God is a faith venture and our involvement in it brings out the faith element in us. We thrive and blossom through involvements which draw out our faith nature.
5. Enthusiasm - Emotional involvement and excitement.
God is an emotive being and He has made us in His image and likeness so we are also emotive and emotional beings. When we are functioning to our full capacity there is inevitably an emotional involvement and expression. Real enthusiasm cannot be experienced without accompanying emotional expression. Don't be afraid of enthusiasm. Too many preachers and churches discourage enthusiasm and emotional expression as though it were wicked and sinful. The opposite is true. How can we be the people of God and not be enthusiastic about it? Such a thing is a definition of impossibility! The work of God and His Kingdom can use a lot more enthusiasm. Some believe that emotional expression is harmful to our Christian testimony. My conviction is that the Church would benefit enormously if more people were enthusiastically and emotionally involved.
I remember as a young Christian, I had the idea that I needed to pattern myself on other Christians. I quickly realised that this was not going to work. As I took my concern to God, asking Him to help me to be like other Christians, I distinctly sensed Him saying, " I don't want you to be like anyone else, I want to set you free to be yourself in Jesus!"
God created and redeemed the essentially unique YOU. He wants you to be yourself in Jesus. He has called YOU to a role of leadership and in order to fulfil His specific purpose, you need to feel comfortable being yourself. You need to enjoy being yourself and to realise that "It's O.K. to be YOU!" Don't be afraid to be different. God is a God of variety. Had He wanted everyone to be the same He would have created us that way. Since He has made us in a wide variety of forms that is the way He wants us to be.
Always resist the temptation to compare yourself unfavourably with others. You need to develop a healthy confidence in yourself as God has created you and as He is forming you into His image and likeness.